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Retreat 2024 ~ Reflections

Is there anything better for the soul than a group of women getting together and laughing and sharing and relaxing? Magic happens when we remove the cognitive load of meals and work and looking after everyone else. Magic happens when we care for ourselves.

The theme for this year's Retreat was Move - Meditate - Create. We moved through our yoga practices in ways that felt good and were simple yet effective. We spent a session out on the deck, getting creative with the railing, coming up with 'kitchen sink stretches', and breathing in the soft morning rain. We explored myofascial release techniques using a variety of balls, and sighed with pleasure as knots of tension melted away. We sank into restorative yoga shapes supported and softened towards the floor. We sat quietly, listening to our breath, the birds, the rustling of the leaves.

We explored hidden parts of our brains with creative mindfulness, which proved challenging for many, myself included. Even though I am quite creative, I wouldn't say I am artistic, and putting pencil to paper can bring up all sorts of (not so deeply) buried insecurities. In one of the sessions we were looking at negative space, the space around an object. By shading in the space, the idea is you end up drawing the object. It was such an interesting exploration of looking at something from a different perspective. Softening the gaze. Releasing the need to wrestle things into the way we want them to be. We were encouraged to be childlike and let go of the concept of trying to 'get it right'. We passed around the lolly snakes, which helped :)

We did jigsaw puzzles. Who knew this could be such a noisy activity? We sweated in the sauna and breathed deeply through the ice bath. We sang, loudly, badly, passionately. We giggled like children through my failed attempt at the Raisin Meditation, where we used nuts in place of raisins. Possibly the least effective meditation I have ever taught, but we laughed so hard that I re-branded it as a breathing exercise instead. We warmed ourselves by the fire. Napped on the daybeds. We softened. We slowed down. We came home to our bodies.

3 days doesn't sound like long, yet I could see the transformation before my eyes. Tension slipped away. There was acceptance of the way things were, even if they were different to at home. The slide into Savasana was quicker, deeper. The conversations moved below the surface as each yogi opened up and relaxed. Laughter was kind and genuine.

Some were quieter than others. As with any group, there was a mix of personalities. Everyone has a story, but not everyone chooses to share it. What I saw was acceptance, kindness, empathy and support. Self-care does this, it allows us to be generous in ways that are difficult when we feel tired, stressed, and overwhelmed.

Yoga is really about connection. The Sanskrit translation for yoga is 'to yoke, to join'. To join the breath to movement. To join the mind and the body. To yoke yourself back to yourself, to who you really are. And when we sit in this place, of truly being who we truly are, it is easy. There is no effort. We are not striving for an outcome. We are not people-pleasing. We just are. I am. That's it. I. Am. And it is from this place that we can be our best selves, truly see the space and the stories around each person, along with the person, without judgement or fear or expectation. It is. I am.

In our busy householder lives it can be difficult to maintain this feeling. Knowing it is there makes you more likely to create space for it. To take 5 minutes in the garden with a cup of tea. To make some space on the floor for gentle stretching. To sit, palms to belly, and experience the fullness of each breath. To listen with kindness, and offer a genuine hug when needed.

As we talked about on retreat, 'Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.' Perhaps nothing will change on the outside. Simply allow the feeling inside to grow, let the tendrils of kindness and compassion for yourself unfurl at their own pace, and allow yourself to be enveloped by their tender embrace.

As always it was a privilege for me to hold space for such a beautiful group of women. I was energised by the robust dynamics, and loved the questions that sent us down rabbit holes of yoga philosophy, psychology and anatomy. My own tank has been replenished by seeing the power of simplicity, vulnerability and authenticity.

Thank you for being here. Let's see what we can get up to on Retreat in 2025!

With love,


Amanda xx


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