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  • amanda

What does 'advanced' really mean?

I have said to quite a few of you that you are advanced yoga practitioners. You laughed and said something like 'I can't even touch my toes!' which may be true but is not what makes you 'good at yoga'.

What makes you an advanced practitioner is choosing to remain in a child's pose instead of doing a downward dog. Moving at a slower pace than your speedy mat neighbor. Keeping your eyes closed, listening carefully and then interpreting the movement in your own way. Taking an entirely different Savasana shape to the buffet of options offered. Asking for a second blanket. Putting your hand up for the hot water bottle. Saying 'I don't know where I should be feeling this' rather than just wondering.

Retreat 2023. Pure magic!

What makes you an advanced practitioner is the way you tune in to internal sensations, and out of external busyness. Being curious and exploratory, prepared to do things that may seem silly - like our clock walks, tightrope around the mat, champagne tray rotations - but then understanding the purpose. Because there always is one. It may be awareness, strength, balance, flexibility, coordination, interception, proprioception, or just for fun. Often a combination of all of the above. I aim to 'teach people, not poses', so it is never about expecting you to perfect a particular shape.

Our yoga can be a place where we take time to understand ourselves deeper - physically, mentally and spiritually. As with all of you, many different threads make up my life. Sometimes it is hard to shake things off. But something happens when I step into the studio. My best self appears. The self that puts others first, has a broad perspective on life and is hyper-focused in the moment. I find my state of flow. This is what tells me that I am doing the right thing, am on the right path. I watch the rise and fall of breath and sense the rhythm we have found. We all flow together, down the same river, taking our sweet time.

And then there are our tea sessions. Some of the best conversations happen here! Again, you are advanced practitioners because you are honest, vulnerable, curious, receptive and accommodating. And so very supportive. I wish there were more places to have these sort of conversations. Until then, let us keep having them together.

I look forward to seeing you soon - term 2 starts on Monday 15 April. There are a couple of spots left for Retreat if you are keen - it will be wonderful to spend some time together.

Much love,


Amanda xx

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